I love everything about you
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Tuesday, November 16, 2010
I Love You
Thinking of You

My girl .. My love

My Love ..

You are My Girl..

The first time i saw u i couldn’t believe how beautiful u were,
The first time I heard u talk I thought that the angels were singing,
The first time I saw u smile at me I thought u were an angel forgiving my life,
The first time u hug me I felt peaceful,
The first time u kissed me I felt like I was in heaven,
The time when u started loving me was the time my life started to have a meaning,
The time u leave me, I’ll follow u I wont make the same mistake of letting u go.
Coz You are My Girl..
A Love To Smile Upon

In my heart I can clearly detect
These feelings to cherish and protect
A woman whom I can connect
And who has given me more than I expect.
I’m certainly beginning to suspect
That as a lover you are simply perfect
Making me love you in every respect
Can’t help but smile whenever I stop to reflect.
A Love That Will Stay

- 1. On eBay, there are an average of $680 worth of transactions each second.__________________________________________________________2. "Stewardesses" is the longest word that is typed with only the left hand.__________________________________________________________3. 80% of all pictures on the internet are of naked women__________________________________________________________4. In the 1980s, an IBM computer wasn't considered 100 percent compatible unless it could run Microsoft Flight Simulator*.__________________________________________________________5. The world's first computer, called the Z1, was invented by Konrad Zuse in 1936. His next invention, the Z2 was finished in 1939 and was the first fully functioning electro-mechanical computer.__________________________________________________________6. The first computer mouse was invented by Doug Engelbart in around 1964 and was made of wood.__________________________________________________________7. Domain names are being registered at a rate of more than one million names every month.__________________________________________________________8. There are approximately 1.06 billion instant messaging accounts worldwide.__________________________________________________________9. The first banner advertising was used in 1994.__________________________________________________________10. E-mail has been around longer than the World Wide Web.__________________________________________________________11. The average computer user blinks 7 times a minute, less than half the normal rate of 20.__________________________________________________________12. One of every 8 married couples in the US last year met online.__________________________________________________________13. The average 21 year old has spent 5,000 hours playing video games, has exchanged 250,000 e-mails, instant and text messages and has spent 10,000 hours on the mobile phone.__________________________________________________________14. By the year 2012 there will be approximately 17 billion devices connected to the Internet.__________________________________________________________15. MySpace reports over 110 million registered users. Were it a country, it would be the tenth largest, just behind Mexico.__________________________________________________________16. While it took the radio 38 years, and the television a short 13 years, it took the World Wide Web only 4 years to reach 50 million users.__________________________________________________________17. There are approximately 1,319,872,109 people on the Internet.__________________________________________________________18. For every 'normal' webpage, there are five porn pages.__________________________________________________________19. Bill Gates' house was designed using a Macintosh computer.__________________________________________________________20. The first domain name ever registered was Symbolics.com.__________________________________________________________21. Another name for a Microsoft Windows tutorial is 'Crash Course'!__________________________________________________________
News Roundup - 16th Nov
- A very sane editorial comment on the Raja episode and how should move from there.
- Take a look at it here.
- Pakistan is a source of fake Indian currency
- The annual inflow of fake Indian currency from Pakistan is estimated at Rs 100 crore. Of every Rs 100 fake note pumped into India, Rs 70 of white Indian money returns to Pakistan. This, the Indian agencies believe, is used to finance terror activities.
- The necessity of taking geograpical consideratons into economic computations
- Cross-country econometric models have focused only on GDP per capita as a variable to be explained. For eg., our telecom auctioning process takes into account 'revenue potential' as a factor to grade various circles as A, B and C categories. The authors convincingly argue for a system of categorization based on GDP density, because the potential for recovering the cost of service provision in the poor revenue potential circles is turning out to be better than what is perceived to be the case.
- Take a look at this interesting essay. But some excerpts for our record:
- John Gallup, Jeffrey Sachs and Andrew Mellinger in 1999 introduced the concept of ‘GDP density’, calculated by multiplying GDP per capita by the number of people per square kilometre. Defined in this way, GDP density is a measure of economic activity by area. One of the original purposes for deriving this measure was to study the role of geography in economic development. As described by Sachs, et al, one finding is that the great majority of the poorest countries lie in the geographical tropics, the area between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. In contrast, most of the richest countries lie in the temperate zones as well as along coastal areas.
- Vodafone gets 3 weeks to deposit Rs.2.5k cr with SC
- As you all know by now, Vodafone is slapped with a tax demand of more than Rs. 11,000 crore by the IT department. It has approached the Supreme Court contesting the demand. The SC asked it to deposit Rs. 2,500 crore in three weeks and furnish bank guarantees worth Rs. 8,500 crore in eight weeks. This is a setback for the company.
- The apex court will now hear the case on February 24, 2011.
- Import growth at 7-yr low of 6.8% in Oct
- India's import growth plummeted to 6.8% in October from a year ago, lowest in seven years, reinforcing the perception that India’s domestic economy was slowing down, but exports continued to grow at a fast rate, indicating an improving external environment.
- New ground handling policy to be implemented from January
- The civil aviation ministry has decided to roll out the new ground-handling policy in January 2011 despite hectic lobbying by private airlines, ushering in a quiet revolution in quality of support services at airports across the country.
- The new policy will eliminate deployment of outsourced manpower and restrict the number of service providers operating at airports -- improving service standards, safety and security. In the bargain, private airlines will lose their right to carry out their own ground-handling, instead hiring national carrier Air India or independent agencies nominated by airport operators.
- The value of ground-handling business at airports across the country is estimated to be Rs 1,000 crore, and is now divided among a large number of small agencies.
- Ground-handling services include checkin, baggage handling, cargo handling, aircraft cleaning, loading and unloading of food & beverages on aircraft, proving electricity back-up to aircraft while they are at airports, supplying water to aircraft, ferrying passengers to and from planes and maintaining toilets.
- As of now, airlines are allowed to handle these services on their own, but many nominate outside agencies, rather than using approved ground-handling service available at airports. The nominated agencies in turn outsource staff from manpower suppliers. The home ministry, security agencies and the bureau of civil aviation security (BCAS) feel that deployment of such a large number of contract employees could pose a security threat. A key aspect often blamed for 9-11 terrorist attacks in New York is security loopholes at American airports, which allowed arms to be carried on board passenger aircraft. Similarly, hijack of an Indian aircraft which took off from Kathmandu in 1999 was primarily on account of arms being smuggled in. Therefore, a new policy on groundhandling, mandating use of full-time staff by a limited number of agencies, was recommended by the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) and approved by Parliament in 2007.
- Cheaper food keeps inflation down at 8.58%
- Inflation declined marginally to a 10-month low of 8.58% in October, prompting policymakers to proclaim victory in their effort to cool prices, but economists remained sceptical saying the fight is far from over.
- The decline was mainly due a fall in food inflation to 14.13% from 15.71% in September and the base effect, or higher inflation of last year.
- Sovereign wealth funds invest in the India story
- Sovereign wealth funds from Norway to Abu Dhabi are increasing bets on India by buying into Coal India and Power Grid issues as they increase their share of emerging market assets when the West is grappling with shaky sovereign ratings and tepid growth.
- There are some 60-odd sovereign funds that have a direct account to invest in Indian equities through their registration with the market regulator, Sebi. These funds have traditionally been active investors in the secondary market. High secondary valuations, the disinvestment ministry’s sales pitch and prospects of getting a huge block drew them.
- Foreign institutional investors own $118 billion net of sales in Indian equities, according to Sebi data.
- Sovereign funds are chasing countries with stable policies and strong economic growth. With Indian state-owned companies seen as stable ones and when attractively priced, they draw top investors.
- Titbit on commodity exchanges in the country
- About Rs. 33,000 crore worth of commodity futures are traded every day on the five exchanges currently operational -- MCX, NCDEX, NMCE, R-ADAG's ICEX and Kotak-promoted ACE Derivatives & Commodity Exchange. This is about one-fifth of the volumes traded on Indian stock exchanges. It's a big business and volumes could one day exceed those on the stock market.
- In all, five national exchanges are up and running, one is expected to come up in a year, and two are waiting for approval.
- nub: Noun
- The choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience
- eg: The nub of ED’s case is that if the licences awarded were illegal, then the money received from selling stakes in them could also be tainted.
- hoofing: Noun
- dancing in which the steps are more important than gestures or postures