Sunday, November 28, 2010

Never Let Fear to Drop You down

Just as we set our aims and goals, we set our own limitations.  Consciously or unconsciously we allow fears to stop us doing many things.  

Sometimes we have deep desires to expand our wings, but fear of doing so, can makes us keep our wings closed.  Often it is the fear of the unknown or of risk that stops us from chasing our dreams.  These fears make us stay within the confines of our comfort zone, stopping us from venturing out and experimenting in the search of new pastures.  

Fear can paralyse us and lead to a life full of regrets of what we would have like to have done or tried.  Instead of fearing, we should learn to embrace a challenge, change and look forward to trying things we fear…we may be pleasantly surprised.  I have met so many people who have limited their life experiences just because of fear.  I am not talking about fear of doing something like bungee jumping or paragliding, these can be good experiences, but feel they are to be enjoyed by those who want to enjoy it and not necessary. I am talking about fear of life-changing matters, such as changing jobs, cities, countries or getting in or out of a relationship.  We fear that we may get hurt, that we may not like it, fear it simply for being different to what we are used to.  These fears seriously limit our life and our growth, because change is always growth, for better or for worse. 

So, the next time you realise that fulfilling your dreams has to involve losing your fears, let go of them. Instead of fearing, look forward, focus on being happy and trust that the universe is always on your side. Know that if you don’t like what you do when you do it, you can always change it again.  Don’t fear pain, don’t fear the unknown, embrace it as a gift for living new experiences, learning and being closer to fulfilling your dreams

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