Sunday, November 28, 2010

Immune to Negative Criticism

There is positive, constructive criticism and there is negative, destructive criticism. 

We have to learn not to let the negative criticism affect how we feel about ourselves. When people make a negative remark about an aspect of our personality or appearance, we can begin to focus on it to a point of developing a complex.  We may never have even noticed it before or given it any importance and then suddenly allow one comment to change our opinion of ourselves.

When faced with such a situation, we must remember to think that we were perfectly happy with ourselves until that remark was made.  It is important to disassociate ourselves from this criticism and not take it to heart.  It is only one person's observation and it may even be true, but if we were content with ourselves beforehand, why should we let this change our healthy relationship with ourselves?

On the other hand, we should also remember what effect our words can have on someone and think before we say anything.  We are all less than perfect and if you are about to remark on something about somebody, think whether it is really necessary and if it’s not for their own good, keep your opinion to yourself, as it may  seriously harm their self esteem.

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