date : displays the current date
echo : Print message on the terminal
bc : A text based calculator
xcalc : is graphical based calculator
passwd : allows you to change your password
who : tells you the users currently logged on to system
man : displays the documentation for a command
chmod : Changing the permissions of the file
chown : command is used for changing the ownership and group of a file
rm : used to delete files
mkdir : used to create directory
rmdir : used to remove directory
cp : copy the files
mv : moving files its like a cut command
cat : used to display content of a small file
tac : used to display content of a file in reverse manner
wc : used to count words in a file
cmp : used to compare files
comm : it displays the common between to files
gzip : used to compress the file
gunzip : used to uncompress the file
tar : used to create archive
zip : used to archiving as well as compressing
head : displays the top of the file
tail : displays bottom of the file
sort : ordering a file
grep : search for a pattern
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